• kaplan higher education 評價    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 元太數位科技有限公司

      ...領域的專家,除立即傳承 DNA Co. 在香港與其他英語系國家 Higher Education 與 Financial System 等領域的成功建置經驗,共同致力於『大專高等教育』領域(Higher Education)『頂尖大學』與『教學卓越計畫』等應用系統之開發,更深耕於『政府機...

      電話:02-66390009    地址:台北市信義區基隆路一段432號14F-7
    2. Hong-Yo Educational School

      班主任從事補教事業已十餘年 補教實務經驗豐富能協助指導菁英教學&管理&經營之學習教師群由台大師資團隊領軍 藉由專業教學 全力提升學生素質誠摯地歡迎具有教育熱誠的青年加入

      電話:02-29857935    地址:台北市松山區光復南路17巷53號1樓
    3. 銘傳大學 進修推廣處

      ...中部各州校院高等教育評審會MSCHE, Middle States Commission on Higher Education」的認證歷程,目前本校已取得第二階段的準認證資格,正朝第三階段的「自我研議」前進,期盼能於2010年的年底順利通過美國認證。屆時,銘傳大學將成為...

      電話:02-28824564    地址:台北市士林區基河路130號3樓
    4. 溫莎公爵語文文理補習班 (Windsor Education

      Windsor Education is an English school owned by an American. The schools are located in TianMu and ShinJuang. We create and publish some of our own material. We need a person in TianMu to do graphic design work. The projects include: DMs, posters, book illustrations, book layout design, cover design...

      電話:02-28313973    地址:台北市士林區中山北路六段338號二樓
    5. 元禮國際貿易股份有限公司

      Edx Education is an international supplier of quality educational products and teaching materials to customers in more than 40 countries. We have been involved in the education market for over 30 years.

      電話:02-27048568    地址:台北市大安區信義路三段178號8樓

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